New Sofa for this Middle Sister
/Thrilled to have ordered a new sofa from Bassett Furniture. It was the last place I looked.
Along with the sofa I got to choose my throw pillows. Boy that was a fun process!
Dreaming up a master bedroom from Wayfair.
Putting together some of the pieces that speak to you helps guide the personality of the room. What a breeze shopping Wayfair and creating the look. Here is a room I put together. (May need to switch the vanity but I wanted to marinate in the look for awhile before I abandoned the modern touch.)
I started with flowers...
Soft, lovely and fresh looking flowers are a must. Available right here.

Also the rage is the upholstered headboard here. Check out the lamps on the nightstands. Tweet Tweet.
A pale pink skirted chair to soften the modern vanity. Skirted chair here.
I kind of like the vanity being the only edgy thing in the room. Here.
A couple of these chairs with the blue floral pillows and you are good! Chairs here.
Add a fabulous faux fur and the room gets sexier. Faux fur throw here.
Throw pillow here.
and here.
and here.
And all together you have a bedroom that rocks!
I started with flowers...
Soft, lovely and fresh looking flowers are a must. Available right here.
Also the rage is the upholstered headboard here. Check out the lamps on the nightstands. Tweet Tweet.
A pale pink skirted chair to soften the modern vanity. Skirted chair here.
I kind of like the vanity being the only edgy thing in the room. Here.
A couple of these chairs with the blue floral pillows and you are good! Chairs here.
Add a fabulous faux fur and the room gets sexier. Faux fur throw here.
A substantial side table between the chairs for a lamp, treasures and books is a must in the sitting area. Side table here.
Throw pillow here.
and here.
and here.
Only in my bedroom would I love this, anywhere else its just too corny for me. Here.
In the interest of collaborating with a loyal blog follower and a skilled and creative blogger found here, I nixed my original selection of art in favor of this.
In the interest of collaborating with a loyal blog follower and skilled and creative blooger found here, I nixed my original selection of art in favor of this.
Just Like the Model-Los Angeles
Our favorite stop: A warehouse full of furniture, art, accessories that were used in model homes.
All in all our LA trip was more for adventure and inspiration. Not for cock-tailing, dining, sunshine, getting away or any of that shallow stuff. We had our clients in mind and want to make 2016 our best staging year ever!
We purchased this super hip leather sofa and love seat for our Seattle condos.
All 3 of us wanted to put these chairs in our own homes but the company won out and they now reside in our warehouse.
These chairs are already working away in a lovely Bellevue condo.
We had our work cutout for us. Had to comb through this warehouse several times over to pick the best of the best for our clients.
This also ended up at our recent Bellevue staging.
Most of the artwork is chosen by Sister Ex and we had plenty to choose from.
The best part was seeing Sister Ex and Jo pull up with a Uhaul trailer. Sister Ex is always up for trying something crazy and new-especially when it involves a good laugh. And laugh we did!
Here are some of our purchases.
Salt Spring Island-Part 3
Shopping, tea and art...
Hillary raced us through the Island's winding road to get us to our tea farm and shop before it closed. They stayed open an additional hour for us. Another taste of small town hospitality and Island life.
3 Pair of London Fly shoes does a girl good....
Off to a bakery in the woods. No lie, in the woods.
Invited in for some wine, conversations and views.
Shopping the Farmers Market.
Children sell their wares in the center of the market.
Always taking time for tea...
Downtown Victoria
Hillary raced us through the Island's winding road to get us to our tea farm and shop before it closed. They stayed open an additional hour for us. Another taste of small town hospitality and Island life.
3 Pair of London Fly shoes does a girl good....
Off to a bakery in the woods. No lie, in the woods.
Invited in for some wine, conversations and views.
Shopping the Farmers Market.
Always taking time for tea...
Downtown Victoria
Salt Spring Island-Part 2
Gardens and Views
Gathering greens and edible flowers for our mealsThis beautifully designed gate, fence, rose support gave me an idea for my small city garden.
This is a result of our day working outside. We cleaned and organized the potting area, J painted the potting bench while Hillary and I tended to planting pots and repairing the outdoor table.
Salt Spring Island Adventure-Part 1
How am I suppose to thank TWO incredible women for some of the very best vacation days of my life?
Vacation therapy that entwined fabulous art and design, breathtaking gardens, unfathomable views, meals simple, fresh and delicious, and conversations that went from mascara brands to business ventures.
Thank you to Judith for encouraging me to take time off and Hillary for rock star hospitality and inspiration.
A few shots of Hillary's Salt Spring Island Home
Yes, I was caught opening cupboards for photographs. How could I possibly log all of this beauty in my head? I found someone who trumps my Mother in the dish department. (no small feat)
So many of her pieces had stories...
No back splash so that her art could be hung-brilliant!
Each meal we went through H's cupboards for napkins, serving bowls, plates, setting the table with intention.
My mornings and evenings were spent pouring through these cookbooks planning meals for my Airstream trip and summer entertaining.
My room had a view of the garden with doors leading me outside.
And my own sweet kitchen where I prepared my coffee and either stayed in bed or walked the garden. No wonder she has so many summer visitors. No hotel can offer this.
Day in the Life of a Stager Girl
I don't think we have worked harder in our life as we did these last 2 weeks. This Middle Sister hit a wall with decision making. Overwhelming and overwhelmed. It's lack of warehouse space, not enough time in the day, no actual business hours, tons of work, little time to plan, and just the 2 of us orchestrating this show.
We start our day at the job site, take notes and power back to the warehouse to load up. This week we have been finishing a job the same day we start a new job which makes the warehouse a buzz of craziness.
Thursday we had J unloading a job downtown and carefully calculating what she needed to bring to us within the hour and what goes back to the warehouse. Sister Ex is across town picking up a sofa and chair which has swiftly become our favorite while M and I are finishing a home and racing to meet everyone at the new job. For certain it's a rat wheel.
Our last job of the week ended at an amazing condo overlooking Lake Union. I vowed that if it went past 5 pm that I was running to the store for beers. Amazingly it was 4:30 and my commute home was a mere 10 blocks. This Stager girl is exhausted.
Sister Ex scheduled 4 jobs next week. Should I tell her that I am taking Friday off to be with my BFFs for the weekend?
Our last job of the week ended at an amazing condo overlooking Lake Union. I vowed that if it went past 5 pm that I was running to the store for beers. Amazingly it was 4:30 and my commute home was a mere 10 blocks. This Stager girl is exhausted.
Sister Ex scheduled 4 jobs next week. Should I tell her that I am taking Friday off to be with my BFFs for the weekend?
Leaving the warehouse laden with our work bags and tools.
Pretending to be a picture framer...Working with what girlie tools we have...
Steaming our sheers, throws, linens....
Loading out after the job...Ugh.
I guess this would be our board room where all the high powered meetings occur.
Waiting for J to deliver our table and turn this chaos into order.