Garden Revelry

Time for you to meet your new “go-to” gal for container gardening. Cindy Funes from Garden Revelry has been beautifying front porches, decks, terraces, back yards all across the land. We all need someone like her in our life,right?


For my interview with Cindy we decided to sit in our respective gardens and share a virtual cocktail while we chatted. She let me in on her favorite drink, (always a good way to start an interview)-a French 75. So we mixed one up and began a lovely evening talking about gardening and other things. She also shared a fun seasonal drink idea for all of you to try out - a Honey Sage Bourbon. That’s sounds like a gardeners drink! See how to make it here.


Cocktails refreshed and our interview continues:

  1. What is the best purchase you’ve ever made?  Our house.  We have a view of Mt. Rainier. I love how every morning the sky is a bit different, yet it always looks so majestic.

  2. What was the last gift you gave someone? A 1000 pieced botanical puzzle.

  3. What is the worst thing about your work?  The fact that I have no control over mother nature.

  4. What was the last book you read?  Pachinko by Min Jin Lee.  She was looking forward to hearing her speak at SAL at the end of the month but unfortunately canceled.

  5. What do you think about when you are alone in your car?  My mind wanders...planting combinations, to do lists, people and then it always goes to “what should I make for dinner?”.

  6. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home? A bong hidden among the leaves of a container planting.

  7. What do you love most about your profession?  The opportunity to connect clients with nature and beauty by transforming their outdoor living spaces with container plantings.  Love the people, love the process, love the end result!

We move on to some Container Garden tips:

  • Choose a pot that is bigger than you think you’ll need.  Preferably at least 12” in diameter. Larger pots hold larger volumes of soil and don’t dry out as quickly as smaller pots. 

  • Use a high quality potting mix such as Sunshine LC1, Garden and Bloom, or EB Stone Edna’s Best Potting Mix. Utilize the Thriller, Filler, Spiller formula when choosing plants and have a mix of evergreen, seasonal color and foliage plants to create interest.

  • Fertilize your plantings throughout the growing season. We mix in Osmocote, a slow release granular fertilizer, at the time of planting and then supplement with liquid Miracle Grow once every 3-4 weeks to replenish the plants with nutrients they need to perform all season long.

  • Set a consistent watering schedule, create a system that helps in this regard whether it’s setting reminders on your phone or installing a drip irrigation system.  Plantings won’t thrive without consistent watering unless you’ve planted succulents.  And even then they need water too, just not as much!


For inspiration we faithfully follow Cindy on Instagram: @gardenrevelry. Her website just launched so that is a great visit as well.

Thank you Cindy for the fun visit!

If the inspiration has hit you then please head to our SHOP for some of outdoor entertaining items we love.

Mother's Day Picks | Joanna Gaines Style

Every Monday morning our team of Stagers gather to discuss our upcoming jobs, staffing, vacations, weekend plans, funny stories, and blog ideas.  

I loved Jodi's idea of showcasing some of the pieces we like from Joanna Gaines' Hearth and Hand Collection at Target. 

We may have another Mother's Day Gift Giving post from our resident shopping Queen-Tara. Her experience is vast and on trend so cross your fingers and stay tuned.



Jodi-Stager Extraordinaire!



It's Called Curb Appeal

The first thing that tells us about a home is the front of the house. When Sister Ex and I approach a property for a meeting with the seller, you can bet we are critiquing the walkway, garden, front porch, door and the side yard. It all comes into play when selling/marketing your home. If it looks well cared for on the outside then it is probably well cared for on the inside. 

If you want to get the best possible price with the least amount of time on the market then put your very best foot forward. Start with cleaning, repairing, possibly re-carpeting, landscaping, and staging. Even in a booming real estate market it is critical to have your property in top shape.

From Pinterest. What a difference an entrance makes!

From Pinterest. What a difference an entrance makes!

Summer Inspiration

Leaving you all for a week while I head down the road for some R & R.

Just reminding you that there is still time left this summer to have friends over for an outdoor fire, cocktails in the garden, picnic lake side, beach walks, planting a garden, relaxing in a hammock.


Salt Spring Island-Part 2

Gardens and Views
 Gathering greens and edible flowers for our meals

 This beautifully designed gate, fence, rose support gave me an idea for my small city garden.

 This is a result of our day working outside. We cleaned and organized the potting area, J painted the potting bench while Hillary and I tended to planting pots and repairing the outdoor table.
