Friday's Shopping Finds

I have plenty of homes to feature next week but shopping is way more fun so I spent my time in my studio picking out “must haves” and great deals to share with all of you ready for fall decor! ENJOY!!

We are moving into fall decor. Such a wonderful change! Naturals, velvets, wovens, and wood-all warm and inviting.

We are moving into fall decor. Such a wonderful change! Naturals, velvets, wovens, and wood-all warm and inviting.

Everything I have selected is created by small businesses and hard working creative people. Each sale makes them hap hap happy so go for it!! CLICK & SHOP.

Paper Source Colorscope


You have a classic style,

are romantic, easy to love, and people

find you appealing.

Some may think of you as quiet,

but you are really thinking

deeply about what is going on

around you, and then coming

up with the perfect solution.

When I came across this color on the Paper Source Colorscope Chart, I was loving it that the color described one of our long time Stager Girls. If the shoe fits!

It's Called Curb Appeal

The first thing that tells us about a home is the front of the house. When Sister Ex and I approach a property for a meeting with the seller, you can bet we are critiquing the walkway, garden, front porch, door and the side yard. It all comes into play when selling/marketing your home. If it looks well cared for on the outside then it is probably well cared for on the inside. 

If you want to get the best possible price with the least amount of time on the market then put your very best foot forward. Start with cleaning, repairing, possibly re-carpeting, landscaping, and staging. Even in a booming real estate market it is critical to have your property in top shape.

From Pinterest. What a difference an entrance makes!

From Pinterest. What a difference an entrance makes!