Self Care: Put Your Best Foot Forward in 2021

Get yourself in the right mind set this year by taking care of your physical and mental health!

If you need a pep talk then hop over here for our 2021 personal launch list.

Self-care Products for the New Year

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Reminding you to take care of Self so you can take care of others.

Be a Force! 2020 is Your Year!


We all need renewal and new beginnings. It’s good for the soul to be sure. Some of us spent November being Grateful, December-Giving and now let’s make January-The Launch. Celebrated with clients today and we talked about vision boards, dreaming big, planning big and not fearing.

Here are some ideas to get you launched!

  1. Clean up your office, studio or work space.

Messy offices can clutter your head and create a backlog of paperwork. Get ‘er done!

2. Sort your mail daily.

You know it is only a 2.5 minute task that needs doing.

3. Sign up for daily inspiration.

My favorite is . Each day you will receive an email with 1 or 2 lines. For sure you are gonna smile and most definitely laugh out loud. It’s good stuff about loving your life… (You’re welcome)

4. A Netflix show to get you organizing: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

One cannot help but love this sweet woman who gently teaches you to get rid of and organize your stuff.

If anything, it will at least get you to look at your home and your “stuff” differently.


5. Less Talking and More Listening

It’s just all around good when listening happens more than talking…

6. Get more Sleep and Drink more Water

Ya’ll know that goes without saying but it is often a good reminder.

7. Create a Vision Board with Action Steps

I guided a group of family and friends, with the help from my sister Sue, on creating vision boards. They loved the part of cutting out of magazines but did not like the more difficult part of the action steps.


8. Be of Service

Volunteering or giving is a great way to get those “life is good” vibes. I promise you-it works!

9. Make a quick list of 10 things you would like to do this year.

Post it where you will see it. One year I had something as simple as “Order a cheese plate". Weird, I know but I would so often pass on that in restaurants and it was something I just loved. I finally did it at the very end of the year.

10. Do Something that Scares You.

Step out of that comfort zone and take a different route. Maybe a solo road trip, a bit of networking, a job change perhaps, talking to strangers,or take a trip with my high school girlfriends. That’ll scare the crap out of you!

My husband and I were at a bar and a young gal approached us and asked us what our names were and what was our favorite movie. She said she was new to Seattle and this helped her get to know people. That would be scary for me.


There you have it. Your 2020 list.

I am proud of you already!

Valentines Day Ideas

We have some cool Valentine treat suggestions.

Try the new Color of the year: “Living Coral” instead of traditional red and pink.

I know our daughters love sassy Valentine t shirts and so do us older girls.

These were big sellers for the holiday and I think they work great as Valentine gifts as well.

This is easy….Chocolate!!!

And for him….

You have about 2 weeks to make it happen so click ,shop and love.

The New Year!!

We all need renewal and new beginnings. It’s good for the soul to be sure. Some of us spent November being Grateful, December-Giving and now let’s make January-The Launch. Celebrated with clients today and we talked about vision boards, dreaming big, planning big and not fearing.

Here are some ideas to get you launched!

  1. Clean up your office, studio or work space.

Messy offices can clutter your head and create a backlog of paperwork. Get ‘er done!

2. Sort your mail daily.

You know it is only a 2.5 minute task that needs doing.

3. Sign up for daily inspiration.

My favorite is . Each day you will receive an email with 1 or 2 lines. For sure you are gonna smile and most definitely laugh out loud. It’s good stuff about loving your life… (You’re welcome)

4. A Netflix show to get you organizing: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

One cannot help but love this sweet woman who gently teaches you to get rid of and organize your stuff.

If anything, it will at least get you to look at your home and your “stuff” differently.


5. Less Talking and more Listening

It’s just all around good when listening happens more than talking…

6. Get more Sleep and drink more Water

Ya’ll know that goes without saying but it is often a good reminder.

7. Create a Vision Board with Action Steps

I guided a group of family and friends, with the help from my sister Sue, on creating vision boards. They loved the part of cutting out of magazines but did not like the more difficult part of the action steps.


8. Be of Service

Volunteering or giving is a great way to get those “life is good” vibes. I promise you-it works!

9. Make a quick list of 10 things you would like to do this year.

Post it where you will see it. One year I had something as simple as “Order a cheese plate". Weird, I know but I would so often pass on that in restaurants and it was something I just loved. I finally did it at the very end of the year.

10. Do something that scares you.

Step out of that comfort zone and take a different route. Maybe a solo road trip, a bit of networking, a job change perhaps, talking to strangers,or take a trip with my high school girlfriends. That’ll scare the crap out of you!

My husband and I were at a bar and a young gal approached us and asked us what our names were and what was our favorite movie. She said she was new to Seattle and this helped her get to know people. That would be scary for me.


There you have it. Your 2019 list.

I am proud of you already!

Tara's Holiday Gift Guide Picks

Sat around with some friends last weekend talking about some of our gift ideas for friends and family. It helps to hear what others are doing so that we can get ideas for the people on our list. So…we hunted down some of Tara’s picks.

Here you Go!

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Stop over in our shop for more gift giving ideas.

Friday's Shopping Finds

I have plenty of homes to feature next week but shopping is way more fun so I spent my time in my studio picking out “must haves” and great deals to share with all of you ready for fall decor! ENJOY!!

We are moving into fall decor. Such a wonderful change! Naturals, velvets, wovens, and wood-all warm and inviting.

We are moving into fall decor. Such a wonderful change! Naturals, velvets, wovens, and wood-all warm and inviting.

Everything I have selected is created by small businesses and hard working creative people. Each sale makes them hap hap happy so go for it!! CLICK & SHOP.

Tara's Picks

Time to share some of sister Tara's Amazon selections. She is a great shopper so take note. I will eventually get these items in our SHOP but wanted to highlight some of her picks.

This is why we have fabulous staging furniture and accessories. She has her vision and the warehouse is full of it. 

Get Our Look!

Seattle is not in short supply of new construction homes. Seems like they come our way each week. You can shop the look below or stop by our SHOP and find some of these great pieces.


Listing by Maider & Knowles for Windermere Real Estate and the fab staging by us at Open House Staging.

Our shop has more...come on in!

Art & Throw Pillows

A great place to find original affordable art is Etsy. Most often when we are pulling a design together for a home we are staging we begin with the art. It is delivered to the pillow department (that makes our company sound sooo large!) and the design unfolds.

All of the art and pillows are available for purchase. Simpy Click & Shop!

Now for the throw pillows: My sister Tara's rule of thumb is "Solid, Texture and Print". She passes on that tidbit often when she is stopped at her local shopping haunt and asked for advice from other shoppers.

Get Our Look!

Staged in one of our favorite buildings downtown-The Ellington. A cozy condo with a big outdoor space. 


Condo listing by Orvis and Orvis Real Estate, photography by Steve Hanson @ Hanson Photo Group and Staging by Open House Staging.