Friday's Shopping Finds

I have plenty of homes to feature next week but shopping is way more fun so I spent my time in my studio picking out “must haves” and great deals to share with all of you ready for fall decor! ENJOY!!

We are moving into fall decor. Such a wonderful change! Naturals, velvets, wovens, and wood-all warm and inviting.

We are moving into fall decor. Such a wonderful change! Naturals, velvets, wovens, and wood-all warm and inviting.

Everything I have selected is created by small businesses and hard working creative people. Each sale makes them hap hap happy so go for it!! CLICK & SHOP.

Tara's Picks

Time to share some of sister Tara's Amazon selections. She is a great shopper so take note. I will eventually get these items in our SHOP but wanted to highlight some of her picks.

This is why we have fabulous staging furniture and accessories. She has her vision and the warehouse is full of it. 

Get Our Look!

Seattle is not in short supply of new construction homes. Seems like they come our way each week. You can shop the look below or stop by our SHOP and find some of these great pieces.


Listing by Maider & Knowles for Windermere Real Estate and the fab staging by us at Open House Staging.

Our shop has more...come on in!

Hello Weekend!

Our newest staging recruit is actually our youngest so I thought it would be fun to see what she has to share when we talk about fall decor. You will see that Katie is into all things textured, warm, inviting, natural and very chill. I will be honest, I did not expect this vibe from her but I love it! Click and Shop from her choices!
