Welcome 2025...

Rolling out 2025 with a timeless poem

To seek elegance rather than luxury,

and refinement rather than fashion.

To be worthy not respectable, and wealthy not rich.

To study hard, think quietly, talk gently,

act frankly, to listen to stars, birds, babes

and sages with an open heart, to bear all cheer!

Do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never.

In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious

grow up through the common.

This is to be my symphony.

by: William Henry Channing

Hello 2024! It's Great to See You!

Our Vision boards have been created, our goals, changes and aspirations have been cast out in the universe. We are ready!

  1. We will say yes to long walks and no to another drink.

  2. We will show up to help and donate our time and talents.

  3. We will be honest with ourselves.

  4. We will be willing to change.

  5. We will talk to ourselves in a gentle and positive voice and pass on the moments we beat ourselves up.

  6. Our prayers will be full of thanks rather than wants.

  7. We will spend time with those who need us and pass on the party of strangers.

  8. We will put more money in the bank and create a financial safety net.

  9. We will prioritize our mental health.

  10. We will be open and loving to ALL people.

  11. We will read more and scroll less.

  12. We will show up with love.

How’s that for a list?! Just want you to go deep and think. Go deep and act. Go deep and create your best life. So raise your glass (of juice) to 2024! Let’s plan on slaying this year.

Mother's Day Love

Mother's Day is a special day to celebrate the women who have given us life, love, and guidance. Let's not forget the countless hours, sleepless nights, and selfless sacrifices that our mothers have made for us throughout our lives. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you, Mom, for all that you do. And while no gift can truly express our gratitude, it's the thought and effort that count. So go ahead and splurge on that spa day or fancy dinner, but don't forget to give your mom a hug and tell her how much she means to you. And if all else fails, a handwritten card and a bouquet of flowers never hurt. Happy Mother's Day, Mom! P.S. Please don't ask us to do any yard work on your special day.

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And now for the shopping part….

Sending Mother’s Day love your way…

Hello 2022! It's Great to See You!

Our Vision boards have been created, our goals, changes and aspirations have been cast out in the universe. We are ready!

  1. We will say yes to long walks and no to another drink.

  2. We will show up to help and donate our time and talents.

  3. We will be honest with ourselves.

  4. We will be willing to change.

  5. We will talk to ourselves in a gentle and positive voice and pass on the moments we beat ourselves up.

  6. Our prayers will be full of thanks rather than wants.

  7. We will spend time with those who need us and pass on the party of strangers.

  8. We will put more money in the bank and create a financial safety net.

  9. We will prioritize our mental health.

  10. We will be open and loving to ALL people.

  11. We will read more and scroll less.

  12. We will show up with love.

How’s that for a list?! Just want you to go deep and think. Go deep and act. Go deep and create your best life. So raise your glass to 2022! Let’s plan on slaying this year.

Show Up for 2021


It’s time to talk 2021. What the heck will it look like for each of us?! There are steps to pave the way sooooo get your car out of park and move to your destination. This pandemic should NOT stop the dreaming, planning, the positive thoughts, healthy eating, reading and learning. Here are some of my ideas for you:


Start with organizing and cleaning your office, studio, dining table, nook or where ever you do your daily jive.


Mine is Tut.com. It is filled with humor and fun. Here is today’s example from my email inbox:

“Practice, Erin. Study. Prepare yourself. Think. Act. Face your beasts. Do the dance, walk the fire, wait in line. Plant the seeds, hoe the field, go to market. Pay the piper whatever dues you think you have to pay. Because on the day you become all that you now dream of becoming... Oh my gosh, there is simply no price that would seem too great.  It's going to be that good, you're going to be that happy, and it's going to last forever, Erin.” 

Guaranteed,  The Universe”

Who can't smile after reading that?

Perhaps it is 10 minute Meditations as my friend Jo does each morning. You know what feels good and what works for you so sign up.


You most likely know what is good for your body and mind. Make some notes on your Vision Board or your daily list of how you want that to look. And know that tomorrow is another fresh welcoming day so you can start anew if yesterday was not a healthy day. Leave the guilt in the trash can…


I will always always toss this in your direction. The world is not only about me, myself & I. The giving and donating of time, talents and money fills your heart instantly. Little things like, help a college grad or job seeker with their resume, “Zoom” with someone who is interested in what you do for a living, deliver 3 books to anyone and write what you like about each of them, pop a card in the mail reminding someone that you are thinking of them. Or go big and join a team that feeds people, say yes to being on a board, you get the idea.


This is one way to get growing and learning. My friend of 30 years signed up for Spanish online-that’s scary if you ask me! Walk with a close friend and brainstorm how each of you can get out of your comfort zone. Again, it brings a great feeling of bravery and accomplishment.


I do this every year with my daughter’s friends, my friends, my sister. This year some will be via Zoom and some will be 2 people at a time and 100% masks. I am not a pro but my peeps know I guide others in this process because I love it, believe in it and it works.

It works! It really does work. I just evaluated my 2020 board, made comments on what I accomplished, was surprised one of my goals was accomplished on 12/31! It slid in right at the deadline. I really did not know how I was going to make it happen but I put it on my Vision Board anyway and it did happen. It’s not by magic but by trusting the universe, God, the Divine Mind, AND creating action steps.

Mine looks more like this but they can come in different ways.

Mine looks more like this but they can come in different ways.


A prayer has never hurt anyone. It’s simple, can be quick and can help direct your thoughts to others rather than self. It’s great for thankfulness, it’s healthy for the heart, it can draw you to a quiet moment, calm your road rage and take the edge off. I feel so chill just writing this. It works!!


Head on out into this great big world with your goals, dreams and your daily walks. I will be here if you need me. Really, I will! Make it a great year. Isn’t it weird to think that you have that kind of power?!

Thought For the Day

Each morning I get a note of wisdom from Tut.com. Marinate in this….

Photo by Erin: ellensburg WA

Photo by Erin: ellensburg WA

When you think a new thought,entertain a new dream, or mentally choose a new goal, your thoughts "leave" you and go out — in every direction — to the farthest corners of the planet. They carry a life force all their own, like ripples created when a pebble is tossed into a pond.   You can't change this but you can totally use the heck out of it.   

Think good thoughts,

The Universe

Twenty Twenty Thoughts

The 2020 buzzzz…..

Visualizing, dreaming, organized, mindfulness, motivated, energetic, fearless, launching.

Those are the words tossing around in our universe.

Here are some Etsy ideas to guide you along the way.

Very cool vintage journal and collage supplies

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Vision Board Kit

Everyone gets motivated and organized in different ways. Hope one of these ideas got the wheels turning in your 2020 bound head.

Be a Force! 2020 is Your Year!


We all need renewal and new beginnings. It’s good for the soul to be sure. Some of us spent November being Grateful, December-Giving and now let’s make January-The Launch. Celebrated with clients today and we talked about vision boards, dreaming big, planning big and not fearing.

Here are some ideas to get you launched!

  1. Clean up your office, studio or work space.

Messy offices can clutter your head and create a backlog of paperwork. Get ‘er done!

2. Sort your mail daily.

You know it is only a 2.5 minute task that needs doing.

3. Sign up for daily inspiration.

My favorite is tut.com . Each day you will receive an email with 1 or 2 lines. For sure you are gonna smile and most definitely laugh out loud. It’s good stuff about loving your life… (You’re welcome)

4. A Netflix show to get you organizing: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

One cannot help but love this sweet woman who gently teaches you to get rid of and organize your stuff.

If anything, it will at least get you to look at your home and your “stuff” differently.


5. Less Talking and More Listening

It’s just all around good when listening happens more than talking…

6. Get more Sleep and Drink more Water

Ya’ll know that goes without saying but it is often a good reminder.

7. Create a Vision Board with Action Steps

I guided a group of family and friends, with the help from my sister Sue, on creating vision boards. They loved the part of cutting out of magazines but did not like the more difficult part of the action steps.


8. Be of Service

Volunteering or giving is a great way to get those “life is good” vibes. I promise you-it works!

9. Make a quick list of 10 things you would like to do this year.

Post it where you will see it. One year I had something as simple as “Order a cheese plate". Weird, I know but I would so often pass on that in restaurants and it was something I just loved. I finally did it at the very end of the year.

10. Do Something that Scares You.

Step out of that comfort zone and take a different route. Maybe a solo road trip, a bit of networking, a job change perhaps, talking to strangers,or take a trip with my high school girlfriends. That’ll scare the crap out of you!

My husband and I were at a bar and a young gal approached us and asked us what our names were and what was our favorite movie. She said she was new to Seattle and this helped her get to know people. That would be scary for me.


There you have it. Your 2020 list.

I am proud of you already!

The New Year!!

We all need renewal and new beginnings. It’s good for the soul to be sure. Some of us spent November being Grateful, December-Giving and now let’s make January-The Launch. Celebrated with clients today and we talked about vision boards, dreaming big, planning big and not fearing.

Here are some ideas to get you launched!

  1. Clean up your office, studio or work space.

Messy offices can clutter your head and create a backlog of paperwork. Get ‘er done!

2. Sort your mail daily.

You know it is only a 2.5 minute task that needs doing.

3. Sign up for daily inspiration.

My favorite is tut.com . Each day you will receive an email with 1 or 2 lines. For sure you are gonna smile and most definitely laugh out loud. It’s good stuff about loving your life… (You’re welcome)

4. A Netflix show to get you organizing: Tidying Up with Marie Kondo

One cannot help but love this sweet woman who gently teaches you to get rid of and organize your stuff.

If anything, it will at least get you to look at your home and your “stuff” differently.


5. Less Talking and more Listening

It’s just all around good when listening happens more than talking…

6. Get more Sleep and drink more Water

Ya’ll know that goes without saying but it is often a good reminder.

7. Create a Vision Board with Action Steps

I guided a group of family and friends, with the help from my sister Sue, on creating vision boards. They loved the part of cutting out of magazines but did not like the more difficult part of the action steps.


8. Be of Service

Volunteering or giving is a great way to get those “life is good” vibes. I promise you-it works!

9. Make a quick list of 10 things you would like to do this year.

Post it where you will see it. One year I had something as simple as “Order a cheese plate". Weird, I know but I would so often pass on that in restaurants and it was something I just loved. I finally did it at the very end of the year.

10. Do something that scares you.

Step out of that comfort zone and take a different route. Maybe a solo road trip, a bit of networking, a job change perhaps, talking to strangers,or take a trip with my high school girlfriends. That’ll scare the crap out of you!

My husband and I were at a bar and a young gal approached us and asked us what our names were and what was our favorite movie. She said she was new to Seattle and this helped her get to know people. That would be scary for me.


There you have it. Your 2019 list.

I am proud of you already!

Preparing for the New Year.


I am a fan of Jessica Araus so I was thrilled when she gave me the green light to post her article. I think it is perfect food for thought when we look to the New Year.


There will be days when you don’t follow your diet plan, you skip your workout, or you don’t work toward your vision. We all have days we don’t do what we said we were going to do. However, even if you consider an entire day to be a failure, I encourage you to pick yourself up and continue working toward your goals as soon as you can. Every day is a fresh beginning and a new opportunity to get things done. If you really want to make a change in your life, you have to be willing to accept failure and move on. You might have had a bad day, or maybe two, but don’t let it be three. Make proper use of your time starting now.

It’s easy to come up with excuses for why we can’t get things done today. We tell ourselves we’ll get it done “tomorrow,” or in the worst case, we’ll wait until it is Monday again. However, when you are clear on your vision, you won’t want to wait for Monday. You’ll want to start as soon as possible.

There have been times in my life when things didn’t go as I planned or wanted, but I never waited for Monday to start over again. I always had hope that tomorrow was going to be a better day, and I looked forward to every day.

So, what is your vision?

Perhaps you want to travel the world with your partner, get in shape, or help your family financially. Regardless of your plan, think of the people you are failing when you are delaying this goal, waiting for another Monday to come. Is it your family, your spouse, or maybe yourself? Realize that the sooner you take action, the earlier you’ll accomplish your goals. No matter what it is, start doing something today to move toward your vision. It can be as small as working out for 10 minutes, writing one good page, taking an hour to promote your business, or saving $10 for your next holiday. Success will not simply happen to you. You have to make it happen.

What is distracting you?

If you got stuck on Wednesday, take a moment to reflect on what went wrong. Perhaps you need to prioritize your activities and start the next day with your most important task. Get up earlier if needed and get it done. It’s important to be really honest with yourself and accept when you’ve been devoting time to things that are distracting you. Whether it’s negative thoughts, junk food, or procrastination, whatever isn’t serving your vision, drop it now and move on.

Treat each day as if it were a Monday, and you’ll start seeing results. What separates the successful from the rest is how they manage their time. No matter what your situation is right now, you can always rewrite your plan and change your story. All you need is the right mindset; the rest will take care of itself.

BY JESSICA ARAUS        November 15, 2017