Hello 2022! It's Great to See You!

Our Vision boards have been created, our goals, changes and aspirations have been cast out in the universe. We are ready!

  1. We will say yes to long walks and no to another drink.

  2. We will show up to help and donate our time and talents.

  3. We will be honest with ourselves.

  4. We will be willing to change.

  5. We will talk to ourselves in a gentle and positive voice and pass on the moments we beat ourselves up.

  6. Our prayers will be full of thanks rather than wants.

  7. We will spend time with those who need us and pass on the party of strangers.

  8. We will put more money in the bank and create a financial safety net.

  9. We will prioritize our mental health.

  10. We will be open and loving to ALL people.

  11. We will read more and scroll less.

  12. We will show up with love.

How’s that for a list?! Just want you to go deep and think. Go deep and act. Go deep and create your best life. So raise your glass to 2022! Let’s plan on slaying this year.