One More Thing...

Don’t start snuggling up with a hot cup of cocoa or start relaxing by a fire with a hot toddy-at least not yet. You have one more thing to do in the garden. ORDER & PLANT BULBS. Because of our 4 seasons we get to take a rest from our garden’s weeds and watering-that’s a gift. Relaxing is just around the corner. So…clear out some pots and a small space by the front door and get your bulbs planted.

To see and read a step-by-step guide hop over to Home Depot-here.

To see and read a step-by-step guide hop over to Home Depot-here.

Okay, that’s done. Now get your Paper Whites and your Amaryllis started so you can have beauty inside for the holidays. Soon, you get to relax. Both of these are grown inside in the Pacific Northwest.

My hunch is that you will secretly thank me for pushing you forward on this one last task. I will have all of these ordered by sundown and in the garden (or my home) this weekend. ENJOY!

Home Office Inspo

I fell in love with this adorable home office that I found from Jessica Stansberry’s Pinterest page. As the Open House Intern my bosses are letting me loose on the design front and I get to pick a style I like and share how to create it. I hope this impresses you because I do love my job and want to be kept around awhile longer. HA!

{affliate links}

Rolling in Style

Pick your desk!

Go Vertical

Create a fun floor…

Green is the color of money, green is healthy, plants are good

I am focused on the home office vibe since many of you are working from home these days…let us know if you like to see how we break down a room piece by piece. I am here for ya!

Garden Revelry

Time for you to meet your new “go-to” gal for container gardening. Cindy Funes from Garden Revelry has been beautifying front porches, decks, terraces, back yards all across the land. We all need someone like her in our life,right?


For my interview with Cindy we decided to sit in our respective gardens and share a virtual cocktail while we chatted. She let me in on her favorite drink, (always a good way to start an interview)-a French 75. So we mixed one up and began a lovely evening talking about gardening and other things. She also shared a fun seasonal drink idea for all of you to try out - a Honey Sage Bourbon. That’s sounds like a gardeners drink! See how to make it here.


Cocktails refreshed and our interview continues:

  1. What is the best purchase you’ve ever made?  Our house.  We have a view of Mt. Rainier. I love how every morning the sky is a bit different, yet it always looks so majestic.

  2. What was the last gift you gave someone? A 1000 pieced botanical puzzle.

  3. What is the worst thing about your work?  The fact that I have no control over mother nature.

  4. What was the last book you read?  Pachinko by Min Jin Lee.  She was looking forward to hearing her speak at SAL at the end of the month but unfortunately canceled.

  5. What do you think about when you are alone in your car?  My mind wanders...planting combinations, to do lists, people and then it always goes to “what should I make for dinner?”.

  6. What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home? A bong hidden among the leaves of a container planting.

  7. What do you love most about your profession?  The opportunity to connect clients with nature and beauty by transforming their outdoor living spaces with container plantings.  Love the people, love the process, love the end result!

We move on to some Container Garden tips:

  • Choose a pot that is bigger than you think you’ll need.  Preferably at least 12” in diameter. Larger pots hold larger volumes of soil and don’t dry out as quickly as smaller pots. 

  • Use a high quality potting mix such as Sunshine LC1, Garden and Bloom, or EB Stone Edna’s Best Potting Mix. Utilize the Thriller, Filler, Spiller formula when choosing plants and have a mix of evergreen, seasonal color and foliage plants to create interest.

  • Fertilize your plantings throughout the growing season. We mix in Osmocote, a slow release granular fertilizer, at the time of planting and then supplement with liquid Miracle Grow once every 3-4 weeks to replenish the plants with nutrients they need to perform all season long.

  • Set a consistent watering schedule, create a system that helps in this regard whether it’s setting reminders on your phone or installing a drip irrigation system.  Plantings won’t thrive without consistent watering unless you’ve planted succulents.  And even then they need water too, just not as much!


For inspiration we faithfully follow Cindy on Instagram: @gardenrevelry. Her website just launched so that is a great visit as well.

Thank you Cindy for the fun visit!

If the inspiration has hit you then please head to our SHOP for some of outdoor entertaining items we love.

Tips for a Fab Outdoor Space

Every space outside of your home is worthy of your attention. You will not regret taking some time to carve out a bit of outdoor beauty. Capture those spaces and create! Even if you are overwhelmed with the size of your yard, pick one of the items below and make it happen. Even if you are underwhelmed by the size of your yard, am intimate space can be created. 


This is perfect for a small space for a couple of reasons. It adds a pop of color and style even without any throw pillows, and weathers well. It's also very affordable from Target. Ooh La La, very French!

In the Pacific NW I am a huge fan of metal if it is not under cover. Way less maintenance and worry. Also found at Target.

My all time favorite is a wood farm table but that has to be under cover. I even store mine inside over the winter. They can be high maintenance for sure but warm and welcoming.


It helps to have something to set your fabulous appetizers and craft cocktails on. And this bar cart makes a great statement without taking up a ton of space. 

Of course if you have a larger area you can go with a larger bar.


And then there is the relaxing area. A welcoming sectional. Once again, this weathers well but here in Seattle I would never leave my cushions out all year-never.

Or go with  2-4 chairs for a smaller space. These chairs read comfort for sure.


A hammock or a chaise lounge chair!


A large planter works even in a somewhat small space. A trio of planters makes a great statement as well, especially if they are repeated.

It doesn't all need to fall on your "Operation Fab Outdoor Space" to-do list but I can assure you doing just 1 of these ideas will make you want to be outside. I will not overwhelm you with throw pillows, heaters, fire pits and rugs (but I would like to!). We are brimming with design ideas.

Thank you to Target for all of these great products.











Get Your Outdoor Dialed In! That's an order...

It's still cold here in Seattle so we move much slower when it comes to prepping our outdoor spaces. I am here to push you now to get it all ordered and ready for the sunny days.

I am all about bright Melamine plates and platters, plastic tumblers and a sassy tray for them to sit. I love the farm table look with lanterns and candles. Love lightweight planters filled with color and fragrance brought close to your seating area for that cozy vibe. And it all looks better with the lights strung above. I suggest a basket filled with blankets or throws for when the cool evening sets in and the conversations are just getting juicy-it keeps your guests warm and happy.

Have fun shopping some of my favorite items!

Orders $65 and over use: FREESHIP65 for free shipping.

Next week I will help you with planting your containers. It's all about companion planting for greenery, fragrance and color.  Let me know if you have any gardening questions that I can help with. 

Now focus on your outdoor space!

City Garden

I am pulling you out of the warehouse and away from our staged homes to take a walk through my garden.  Bring your cup of Jo and follow is so small-it will only takes a minute!

Ever wonder why the fragrance of some flowers seems stronger at night? ** My lilies are now just opening and are incredibly fragrant. We like to bundle up late in the evening to take in the intoxicating scent. This small garden is full of surprises that add to its wonder. The containers of succulents were inspired by the Farm and Frills Junker Market where we found unusual vessels to plant in.  My pear tree yield's only 2-3 pears. I watch their progress daily as if they were my children. I can tell you which plants were shared with me from my Mother's garden, which plants came from friends and which were acquired at the coveted annual NW Flower and Garden Show. I constantly analyze the progress of this small space making mental notes of things I want to change, divide, dig out and remove forever. That's what gardening is all about. 


*When cutting lilies in your garden choose those with buds that are about to open.

*The orange pollen of lilies stain so snip off the stamens in the flower center. (I do this on those I cut to bring inside and any that are near a path or walkway).


** The fragrance of flowers is enhanced at night in order to attract nocturnal pollinators such as moths and bats. Sometimes when watering in the morning, a flurry of moths will spring from the flowers.

 Okay, now get back to work and thank you for taking a moment to visit!


Create a look that says "Welcome!"

Whether you are selling your home or simply want a welcoming entry a simple planter filled with beauty is a must. It seems overwhelming when you get to the nursery so only focus on the need for 3 items in your planter. Simply click on each image and your planter is created!


1. Start with a large stylish planter

2. Fill with planting mix and slow release fertilizer

3. Remove the plant identity tags

4. Add 2 vibrant grasses

5. Add a shrub prized for its colorful foliage 

6. Finally your color spot. Stay with 1 color for greater impact

I love this combination because it is low maintenance and provides interest for months. Now get out there and tackle this rewarding task.