Get Our Look!

Our team has become masters at staging downtown condos. When Tara and I started this company I remember dreading the condo staging portion of it. You have to manage the concierge, the elevator, loading docks, busy Seattle traffic, parking, carrying supplies from our cars and your timing. Now, we have a system so all of those details can be managed effortlessly. Condos have become a house favorite!


This hip downtown condo is listed by Orvis and Orvis and lovingly staged by us!

Get Our Look!

When I step back and look at all the art, furnishings and accessories that it takes to put together a great looking room I am blown away with all the labor involved to create it. And to think my sister had to shop for just about all of it! We get to walk into a warehouse with everything in it's department and just pick and choose what we want. Sister Extraordinaire has to actually purchase each item. I am exhausted just thinking about it! 

Here are a few rooms in a hip condo that we staged in South Seattle. And all you have to do is click to get the look! How easy is that?!

Day in the Life of a Stager Girl

We are incredibly lucky to be able to travel around our city and work in these beautiful homes. We start each day at our warehouse describing the home and possible potential buyers and the design evolves through our collaboration. 

Sister Tara often shops Seattle and online for our staging pieces. We thought we would connect you to some affordable pieces that are similar. Happy Shopping!

Kirkland Staging

We don't show all of our stagings or I would be in front of my computer all day but I did want to share a recent favorite. 

Day in the Life of a Stager Girl

Often we chuckle at the glamorous work life we live. We get to start in a freezing cold warehouse on those fall and winter days, we get to load fragile things in and out of our cars, carry work bags & cleaning bags, fold bedding, and oh so many more "glamorous" activities.


We carry things when our Movers are not around...

We carry things when our Movers are not around...

We prep and pay attention to the details for photo shoots.

We prep and pay attention to the details for photo shoots.

We steam the bedding, chairs, pillow,etc.

We steam the bedding, chairs, pillow,etc.

We add the throw pillows, then fluff them, try others, rinse and repeat.

We add the throw pillows, then fluff them, try others, rinse and repeat.

The "glamour" comes in the form of seeing the finished product..."pat pat pat on the back back back", the beautiful pieces we own, the incredible art we have been acquiring, the stunning views we look out on, the sweet cottages we come across, the sexy high rise condos, the homes on the water and the clients we can make happy though our work. 

We just had to share.

Often we are racing through our day doing our staging thing without any sort of pause. It was not until I saw these photos on the MLS that I realized we never stopped to take it all in. When the builder phoned with compliments I went back to see the job and felt like I should share it.


It's Called Curb Appeal

The first thing that tells us about a home is the front of the house. When Sister Ex and I approach a property for a meeting with the seller, you can bet we are critiquing the walkway, garden, front porch, door and the side yard. It all comes into play when selling/marketing your home. If it looks well cared for on the outside then it is probably well cared for on the inside. 

If you want to get the best possible price with the least amount of time on the market then put your very best foot forward. Start with cleaning, repairing, possibly re-carpeting, landscaping, and staging. Even in a booming real estate market it is critical to have your property in top shape.

From Pinterest. What a difference an entrance makes!

From Pinterest. What a difference an entrance makes!