
We found some great ideas splunking at the Farm & Frills Junker Market in Enumclaw. Vintage trailers to dream about, beautiful displays of re-purposed junk, creative minds everywhere and lunch in town was the finish to a great day. We started our week painting books at our Monday Morning Meeting.

Store Inspiration

Motivated by our colleague and designer "J" to pay a visit to this amazing shop located in Kirkland called Haystack's Antiques.

Beautifully crafted vignettes, inspiring collections and creative displays. I even loved the large dish full of miscellaneous doll arms. I guess it is a collection as odd as it may be.

What it tells me is that I need to get out of the warehouse, off the job site and get inspired.

Look what I just purchased....

This is my first etsy purchase! My tree will be ever-so-stylish this year.

I found them at: A Flea Circus. Below is a sign that she also has for sale. I know my sister Sue would appreciate it. We are good partners when it comes to splunking.

I was actually going for this phone to use in staging but the price was just too high.

{all images courtesy of a flea circus}