Another Great Home

What a fun house and yes…it’s pending

This hip house is listed by Ellen Gillette & Holley Ring of Windermere and the bad ass staging was put together by the Rock Stars at Open House Staging.

Art Around My House

 This picture of my daughters was created by artist Sandi Davis.
Purchased this piece from my sweet friend Lisa.

This hangs in my studio. Just a little rummage sale piece. 

 I have always had this sitting by Mary. She deserves flowers everyday.
I purchased this in Italy at a local market. It only measures about 6" x 4". The artist's name is Margo.

Crazy Cool Talent

Artist Amy Duncan has an amazing eye for junk transformation. She creates wonderful pieces that seem to have lived another life-well I guess they have. First the junk then the art.  Amy's blog helps you understand her better and her talent in the creative department. But with any blog one needs to keep it going (hint hint Amy).  I know what a commitment a blog is.

photo: Amy Duncan

I just found out that she has a book! I am telling you- she's brilliant!

photo: amazon

Below are a few photos of treasures I have collected from her over the years.

This only skims the surface of all of the fab things Amy creates.

Seattle Night Life

We have to go out on the town occasionally to continue our journey for inspiration. This night it was a club called The High Dive in Seattle. We went to see a friend of our cousin-Robert Francis.

We began our evening with dinner and drinks at the very hip Bastille Cafe and Bar in Ballard.

Then moved to the High Dive in Seattle's Fremont neighborhood. We ran into our brother and nephew coming to see Robert Francis as well! A huge suprise that just made our evening.

"Sisters 3"

The bonus of the evening was the first band The Republics. The audience loved this band. They were so natural and spontaneous. They did a great Christmas number that was a ton of fun.

Other highlights and laughter:

The visual highlights of the High Dive. Hmmm... What kind of inspiration should we take away from this? Something for everyone I suppose...

How about this? The curtained bathroom stalls:

And finally...

The PCC shopping bag turned into an evening hand bag.

Young Artists

The Puyallup fair has a wonderful 4-H exhibit-my favorite. 4-H showcases flower arranging, baking, canning, sewing, photography, wood working and more. All done by children ages 8-17. Here is a selection I thought photo worthy.  This drawing won my vote for the "peoples choice" award.

All of the lines and loops are actually words. This was fantastic!

A future textile designer.

Loving Art

Complete sweetness!

I came across this artist's work in a tiny shop in Wallingford. Fell head over heels in love with his collection of bird paintings. My personal piece measures only about 8"x 8". It sweetly sits on my "alter" where I admire it while standing at my sink cleaning up after a family feeding. It's a quiet visual for me and brings me a ton of joy. And what fun to own original art.

He will also paint a portrait of your pet. They are so cute on his website and blog.