Fabric Inspiration
/Once again we road trip to Portland and land at our favorite spot-Fabric Depot. One of the largest fabric stores in the nation! It's really bad but really good. The store itself is visually uninspiring but the energy is amazing. "What are you making?" Everyone is inquiring! The person that cuts your fabric wants to know what you are creating, those that are standing in line and the person ringing you up. It's crazy with creativity!
Our finds: I bought white vinyl to (occasionally) cover my icey blue dining table and give it a modern look. I plan to set the table with my vintage china and POW! A collision of old and new. Way cool. Also, some Hollywood Regency inspired fabric for window panels that I will craft myself. I just need to pull out my vintage Viking sewing machine and I'm off!
My sister extraordinaire found some killer Robert Kaufman inspired navy & taupe fabric. A spring board for a new master bedding ensemble. Very current. She also purchased a chocolate & cream Robert Allen knock off that she has been eyeing for herself (oink) or a client (lucky dog). Tara also found (in a random cart pushed off to the side ) a modern floral for amazing throw pillows for her ever-so-hip office. Last but not least some designs that inspired her for the next production of her lunch bags. http://www.coolconservation.com/ .
Fabric Depot- http://www.fabricdepot.com/